Beautiful British India Era Oil Painting 1935
A beautiful oil painting from the British India era of 1887. It depicts a type of swirly painting of a cottage that is nestled in a wooded area with a flight of steps leading down. The artwork was probably done by a Britisher in the military or the civil service. There were many Europeans employed in the military and civil services in India, not including the Europeans in private firms.
Many were talented amateur artists, this painting was perhaps done by one of them. Although it is signed, the name is not clearly discernible. But on an afterthought, the artist could also have been a talented Indian. Nevertheless, this swirly artwork is fascinatingly beautiful. During colonial times doing up artwork was perhaps one of the better past times for both the Britishers and Indians alike.
Also read Interesting Facts about Indian Art Industry.
Did you know – as per historical records, Indian art is said to have originated sometime around 550 BCE with the dawn of the Indus Valley civilization.
Past posts – Tiruchirappalli Rock-Fort, 1870 Photo., European Women In Bullock Cart British India, 1900 PC ., Breach Of The Madras Iron Pier – 2 Prints 1880., Vintage Book 1881 – Everyday Life In India.