Old And New Bombay, 1911 British Era Book

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Title – Old And New Bombay

Compiler – Lovat Fraser

Publishers – G. Claridge, Bombay

Year – 1911

An interesting 14 x 10 inch book with 220 pages, about old and new Bombay during the British Era. The old Bombay refers to the period around 1863 and earlier, and the new Bombay from around the 1900s. The book contains rare pictures of the Bombay Fort which was later completely demolished to make way for the expansion of the city. The Byculla and Bombay clubs have been the chief source of supply of the photographs to compile this book.

Upper-crust Europeans of the city also supplied their collection of photographs and prints to complete the book. There are interesting write-ups on the subjects such as – The Beginnings of Empire., Under The Company., The Age of Progress., Bombay In 1857., The Great Boom., The Building of Bombay., The Modern City., Recollection of Bombay And Poona., The Royal Indian Marine Dockyard., The Forts About Bombay…and so on. The book is substantiated with superb photos, maps, engraved illustrations, etc. There are a quite number of pictures and many of them seem to be unseen.

Past posts – M. Suriyamoorthy Charcoal Drawing 1964 (#19)., Tennis Pastime For British Ladies In India, 1912 Photo., Air-India Durbar Of The Rajah Of Travancore – Old Postcard., Stone Elephant Of Elephanta Island Bombay, 1850.

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st thomas cathedral

bombay fort

bombay fort

bombay fort

bombay engraving