Inauguration Of Indian Airlines By Jawaharlal Nehru, 1953 Photo

Inauguration Of Indian Airlines By Nehru, 1953 Photo

A 1953 photo showing the inauguration of Indian Airlines by Jawaharlal Nehru. Pandit Nehru the Prime Minister of India addresses a gathering, at the inauguration of the Indian Airlines Corporations in Delhi in 1953. Also visible are the then Union Ministers Jagjivan Ram (R) and Raj Bahadur (L).

JRD Tata established India’s first private commercial airline in 1932. The same year he piloted Tata Air Services’ first flight, from Karachi to Mumbai. This was the beginning of commercial aviation in India in 1932. The Tatas named their company “Tata Airlines”. Flight service to London commenced in 1948.

By 1952, India’s Planning Commission advised the government to nationalize the airlines. The Parliament approved the Air Corporations Act. And decided to merge all airlines into two corporate entities in 1953. Solely owned and managed by the Government of India.

Around nine airlines operated in the country then: Air India, Air Services of India, Airways (India), Bharat Airways, Deccan Airways, Himalayan Aviation, Indian National Airways, Kalinga Airlines, and Air India International. This resulted in a monopoly for Indian Airlines and Air India. JRD Tata was placed as the chairman of this new government venture. And he held the post for over two decades, despite a few unpleasant incidences with politicians.

Did you know – when the airline was finally picked up again by the Tata group last year, it marked the biggest disinvestment of a government-owned asset.

From the collection – Vintage Raja Ravi Varma “Shivaji” Oleograph Print., European General Hospital Bombay, Old PC 1900., Madras Fort St George – Old Print 1840., Our Journey Around The World – 1894 Book.


Photo Details

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7 x 5 inch

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