Fort St George From Where Chennai Began, 1890 Photo

Fort St George From Where Chennai Began, 1890 Photo

An 1890 photo of Fort St George from where Chennai (formerly Madras) began. The Fort’s defensive walls are seen going from the beach right across to the back. Enclosed inside are the administrative building, mess, quarters, and other structures. The River Cooum is shown a whitish strip at the back, its waters flow into the sea.

The huge expanse in the foreground, where the cattle are seen grazing, was the Esplanade grounds. It would later be occupied by the Madras High Court. Before the British, there was no Madras. Can it be said that Madras was, the first city of the British Empire, that it was from here developed much that is part of everyday life in India today. However, Madras remains a forgotten footnote to history.

Francis Day of the East India Company bought a strip of land from the Rajah of Chadragiri. The Company built a small fortification on this land in 1639. Named Fort St George. It was gradually built up with stone, earth, and brick. This small Fort over the years became what it is shown in this photo, a formidable fortress. The view is from the old Lighthouse near the High Court.

Did you know – the land was bought in 1626 but it took thirteen years to build the Fort on it. 

Past posts – Raja Ravi Varma’s Balamani Actress, 1902 Postcard., Oldest View of Bowring Institute In Bangalore, 1890 Postcard., Earliest View of Bowring Institute In Bangalore, 1890 Postcard., Opening Of The Madras Railway – Old Print 1856.










Photo Details

Year -


Photograph Size -

7½ x 4½ inch

Photographer -

Unknown British photographer