The Cochin Forest Railway, 1910 Newspaper Report
A front page news report on the “Cochin Forest Railway” by the science based Scientific American newspaper of 1910. The unique freight transport system was constructed in 1907, it was also known as “The Cochin State Forest Tramway“. The tramway was practically a light railway hauled by a steam locomotive running a length of 80 km from Chalakudy town. However, the abrupt steep sections were operated by another method of double-track, self-acting, wire rope inclines.
The railway system opened up 500 square miles of virgin forest of teak wood, rosewood, mahogany, etc. It connected Chalakudy town with the dense forests of Parambikulam and Nelliyampathy. Although the rail was primarily meant to transport extremely valuable timber, it also soon became useful for the transport of people. A great boon for those who lived in the hinterlands and forest areas to reach the city.
This complex transport was the creation of the British for the export of valuable timber. The timber was sent to Cochin Port then shipped to England and Europe. Because of the ups and downs of the rough hilly terrain the, tramway, on the advise of experts, was divided into three sections. The logging generated a sizeable amount of revenue for the Maharaja of Cochin under whom the forest belonged. The tramway was discontinued in 1963 because of reports citing valuable forest products exploitation and deforestation.
Did you know – the freight tramway was like no other in India it was an engineering marvel at the time.
Past posts – Raja Ravi Varma’s Inspiring Models – 2 Postcards 1900., Taj Mahal Across The River Yamuna, 1890 Photo., Aerial View of India’s Parliament, 1930 Postcard., Cannon Accident Fort St George Madras, 1870 Print.