Glimpse of Tea Room In The British Era In Bangalore, 1900 Photo
A 1900 photo gives a glimpse of a tea room in the British era in Bangalore (Bengaluru). A group of European equestrian riders and Indian attendants are seen just outside a tea room or tea house in Bangalore. Two European men and probably European lady are visible in the photo. The double-storeyed building is a tea room/tea house in Bangalore during the British era days.
The concept of tea rooms began a little earlier than the Victorian period but gained popularity during the Victorian era. Tea drinking first took root in the 17th century and spread rapidly all over England. However, it gained popularity only by the late 19th century. It was introduced in India by the British. In India, it gained popularity among the European crowd in Bangalore, Calcutta, Madras, Poona, etc. However, the concept of tea rooms declined in the mid-20th century. Click on the photo for better view.
Read more The People Friendly Ruler – Kempe Gowda. See post South Parade Road Bangalore – Old Photo 1880.
Did you know- Japan is home to some of the oldest tea houses in the world which are still in operation today.
From the collection- M F Hussain Painting – Air India Advertising Postcard 1960., Wellington Lines Bombay – Old Postcard 1916., Queen Victoria Jubilee Celebration Bombay – Old Print 1897., Vintage Book – Winter In India 1883