Display Of Adoration To King-Emperor In Delhi Durbar, 1912 Print

A 1912 print shows people displaying adoration to the throne of King-Emperor in the Delhi Durbar. This print is a page from The Sphere newspaper of January 6, 1912. Titled “The Most Astonishing Incident of The Durbar.” The crowd seems to have gotten carried away by the pomp and pageant. They displayed a sort of hero-worship tendency toward the King.

Shown here bowing before the throne where the Emperor and Empress were seated a few minutes before they left the durbar. The occasion was the Delhi Durbar of 1911. King George V and Queen Mary were the only British sovereigns who attended a Delhi Durbar. It marked the ascendency of the Prince of Wales to King-Emperor George V. After the death of his father King Edward VII. Also known as the Coronation Durbar that was held on a massive scale. It equaled in grandeur of the Mughal Durbars of the past. Click on the photo for better view.

Did you know – the official ceremonies spilled over a week-long spectacle of opulence from Dec 7-16, 1911. But it must be remembered India faced terrible famines. One of them was the Bengal famine of 1943-44 in which 1.5 million people died.

From the collection – c1964 M. Suriyamoorthy Charcoal On Paper Lovers (#5)., Back Bay From Malabar Hill Bombay, Old Photo 1879., Russell Market Bangalore – Old Postcard., Amritsar Railway Yard British India Era – Old Photo 1910.

The images are of the actual items from my collection. And Not a photocopy, pirated, reproduced, stock photos, or taken from other sources.