St Andrew’s Church, Ice House, Great Western Hotel In Bombay – 2 Postcards 1910
Two old 1910 postcards that show the St Andrews Church, Ice House, and the Great Western Hotel in Bombay (Mumbai). Also visible are Bombay’s tram, tongawallas (horse carts), and bullock carts. A lone European in a sun helmet is seen riding a cycle near a tram. In the first postcard, you will see the church, next to it the ice house, then the Great Western Hotel.
The dockyard lies opposite the Great Western Hotel, its mast can be seen. The domed Ice House is somewhat clearer in the 2nd postcard. The bullock carts carry cotton bales probably to the nearby Port. The church (Scots Kirk) was built in 1818. The ice house was completed in 1843. Which stored blocks of ice harvested and shipped from the United States. Next to the Ice House is the Great Western Hotel, formerly Hornby House, with origins going back to 1715.
Read also How Tudor Ice Co brought ice to India
Did you know – the Scots Kirk or St Andrew’s Church catered to the Scots during the British era in Bombay.
Past posts – Antique Painting of Madras Fort St George., Constructing Gateway Of India Bombay, 1920 Photo