Mumbai Railway Suburban Services – Old Print 1955

This page is a vintage print of Mumbai railway suburban services from the Railway Gazette dating to 5th August 1955. Highlighting the increased traffic over the electrified section. Excerpts- “Bombay city built on a number of islands. Bombay Island extends from Colaba Point to Mahim Creek, where the lines of the Western Railway (formerly B.B.C.I) and Central Rail way (formerly G.I.P.R)

cross on to the Island of Salsette…. The tracks were quadrupled from Grant Road to Borivli, about 23 miles, in 1925. Before electrification an intensive suburban service of steam trains was run between Colaba terminus and Borivli, about 25 miles….The Island proper is only 24 square miles and the present population is over 3,000,000. Development of housing estates outside Bombay

has caused the suburb traffic of the former B.B.C.I.R to increase enormously, rising by 300 percent since 1925. In 1925-26, 40,306,000 passengers used the local services, while in 1947-48 the number had risen to 127,945,000…” See another of my interesting post- Vintage Print Bombay Suburb Line Electrifies 1926

Did you know-  before electrification, there was only one suburban train between Colaba terminus and Borivli, about 40 km in dsiatnce, running on a steam locomotive. 

From the collection- Antique Print First Passenger Train From Mumbai to Thane 1853.,  Antique Painting of Madras Fort St George.,  Antique Photo German Prince Wilhelm India Tour Special Train.,  Photo Bangalore Steam Engine Loco Shed 1890.,  Antique Plan/Map Capture Of Cochin By The Dutch 1702

The images are of the actual items from my collection. And Not a photocopy, pirated, reproduced, or stock photos or taken from other sources.