Lutyens Delhi The New Capital of India, 1931 Print
A 1931 print about the inauguration of Lutyens Delhi the new capital of India. This is a page from the French weekly “L’illustration” of 4th March 1931. The first image shows the arrival of the viceroy who is escorted by his mounted bodyguards. The second image is about a military parade.
The third shows the Viceroy, Lord Irwin, delivering a speech at the inauguration. A reference to Delhi from a 1931 newspaper reads- “New Delhi can be said to have been born at two o’clock on Tuesday, December 12, 1911. The great Durbar was drawing to its interminable close. At the end, His Majesty rose, and made a short announcement. Immediately a flutter of excitement ran around the stands only to be stilled by the massed bands striking up the national anthem. Afterwards it was learnt that his majesty had said: “We have decided upon the transfer of the seat of the Government of India from Calcutta to the ancient capital of New Delhi….”
The history of the making of New Delhi is safely stored in the vaults of London. Debates relating to the shift of the capital from Calcutta (now Kolkata) to Delhi. Across Britain documents on the selection of the site, the acquisition of land, appointing architects, etc are archived in institutions. The design and layouts were awarded to architects Edwin Lutyens and Herbert Baker the rest is history.
See another post of the inauguration of Delhi.
Did you know- New Delhi is the second most populous city in the world after Tokyo.
From the collection- 1964 M. Suriyamoorthy Charcoal Art Abstract (#9)., Newly Completed Moore Market Madras, Old Postcard 1900., European Families Vacationing In India – Old Photo 1880.