Europeans On Elephant Back, India, 1890 Photo

An 1890 photo shows two Europeans on an elephant back, probably in north India. The elephant’s handlers and other local Indians are also seen. The Europeans look to be survey officials on their way to work. The elephant seems old and tired evidently after ferrying people back and forth with little rest.

During ancient times elephants were chiefly used in warfare and for the transportation of heavy goods and weaponry. They were put into great hardship resulting in their frequent death. However, today these gentle giants are better taken care of than before although there are exceptional cases of cruelty towards them. Although there are now many NGO and non-NGO organizations for the prevention of animal cruelty, animals are perhaps better treated than before.

Read more-  Indian Elephants. See post- Elephants Of The Rajah Of Travancore – Old Print 1858.

Did you know- they have domesticated Asian elephants from about 4,000 years, but African elephants are not that easily domesticated.

From the collection- Raja Ravi Varma’s “Birth of Shakuntala” Oleograph of c1894.,  First Train In India Bombay to Thane – Old Print 1853., Vintage Book 1881 – Everyday Life In India., Dalhousie Barrack Fort William Kolkata – Old Postcard 1900

Photo Details

Year -


Photograph Size -

10.5 x 8 inches

Photographer -

British soldier