Vintage Book 1877 – Illustrated India: Its Princes And People

Vintage Book 1877 - Illustrated India: Its Princes And People

Title: Illustrated India: Its Princes And People
Author: Julia A. Stone
Publishers: American Publishing Company, USA
Year: 1877
Pages: 628, including illustrations
Dimension: 9 x 6 Inches

This is a scarce antiquarian book from 1877, it refers to the Prince of Wales tour of India in 1875. He visited 21 cities and towns. Julia A Stone is the writer of the book. The memoirs of the author of her stay and travels in the east as the wife of the US consul there. Along with the stay in India she travelled to the south east of Asia and this is where she begins the book.

Profusely illustrated and well written, it recounts the city life and people of India during the tour of 1875-76. The second part is about the Prince of Wales during his tour from the same years 1875-76. She describes her experiences about the prince and the travels, the architecture, the countryside, people, customs, religion, and so on. Generally a nice read.

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