Barog Station Kalka Shimla Railway, 2 Old PCs 1903

There are 2 old postcards one is from 1903 the other is from 1931 that shows the Barog Station on the Kalka Shimla Railway (KSR) route. It is one of the most scenic railway stations in India.

The Kalka Shimla line was built in 1903 on a rising gradient meandering through the Shivalik Mountain Range. Although the tunnel marked “34” above the opening is actually tunnel number 33. And has an interesting tale to it. To make a long story short a British railway engineer committed suicide due to the humiliation on his flawed work.

He miscalculated the alignment while constructing this tunnel No 33. Deeply hurt because of the reprimand and fined Rs 1 by the British government. He was unable to face the workers who he had made to toil on the tunnel, Colonel Barog killed himself with his own gun. The tunnel was later completed with the help of a local saint, who was acknowledged in the government records. Distressed by his suicide the British Indian Government named the station after Colonel Barog. Click on the photo for better view.

See earlier post Shimla British India’s Summer Capital – Old Photo 1890.

Did you know- the KSR was awarded the UNESCO world heritage site in 2008.

From the collection- Vintage Raja Ravi Varma “Laxmi” Oleograph., Coffee Estate In Wayanad Madras Presidency – Old Photo

The images are of the actual items from my collection. And Not a photocopy, pirated, reproduced, stock photos, or taken from other sources.