The First Airmails From India to England In 1929, Old Photo 

Bringing in the first airmails from then undivided India to England is seen in this 1929 photo. The giant biplane Argosy carrying the airmails completed its final leg of the trip from Karachi (then undivided India) to London on April 14, 1929.

Photo shows a partial view of Imperial Airways’ Argosy parked at Croydon Airport, London. The unloading of mail bags is in progress from the Argosy’s “City of Glasgow” biplane. It was undertaken by the British passenger airline “Imperial Airways” (now British Airways). This established a new mail and passenger service between England and colonial India in 1929.

The journey took fifteen days from London to Karachi and back.  That marked another historic milestone in the advancement of India’s aerial transport. The previous one was the world’s first official airmail flight that took place in 1911, Allahabad. Note the mail bags marked Karachi – London and Imperial Airways. Click on the photo for better view.

See post Geoffrey Clarke Of First Airmail Flight in India 1911, Old Photo.

Did you know- Imperial Airways also operated flying boat airline services to India and other countries, see post Flying Boat/Seaplane Service In British India, Old Print 1948.

From the collection- 1964 M. Suriyamoorthy Charcoal On Paper Two Women (#4)., British Era Military Prison – Old Postcard 1890., Mumbai Welcoming The King & Queen – Old Print 1905., Vintage Car With Newlyweds – Old Photograph 1940

Photo Details

Year -


Photograph Size -

10 x 8 inch

Photographer -

Underwood And Underwood, London