Main Street British Era Poona, 1910 Postcard
A 1910 postcard of British era Poona’s (Pune) famous landmark the “Main Street”. Now known as M. G. Road is one of the principal streets of the city. Lined with shops and trees on both sides since the British era. It was the favourite shopping center for military and civil service officials who were placed in and around Poona and the cantonment area. And the most happening place for the young and old alike from colonial times. The photos show tongas on the road.
Although automobiles existed at the time they did not appear in full swing until a much later period. The Parsis established the earliest shops on Main Street. The Parsis promoted shops at that time nicknamed “Europe Shops”, that were selling clocks and watches, textiles, liquor, and so on. Many of the merchandise was foreign and found only in these shops. It should be noted that in Pune the Parsis started the first ice-making factory and photo studio.
Read about Go Back In Time And Relive The Olden Golden Days Of Poona AKA Pune. See post Vintage Postcard Budhwar Peth Street Poona / Pune.
Did you know- that shopkeepers on Main Street had shops on the ground floor and their residences on the upper floor.
From the collection- c1964 M. Suriyamoorthy Charcoal On Paper Two Women (#4)., Calcutta Night Scene WW2 – Old Photo 1942., Bombay Fort And Harbour – Old Map/Plan 1754