Travancore Maharaja Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma, 1947 Postcard

An old 1947 postcard that shows the beautifully attired Travancore Maharaja Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma. The last of the rulers of Travancore, now the southern part of Kerala ruled from 1924-49. He was the great grand-nephew of India’s renowned artist Raja Ravi Varma.

Like previous Maharajas of the Travancore and Cochin Kingdoms, Chithira Thirunal was also forward-thinking in his ways. He was bringing a lot of good to the princely states of Travancore and Cochin. They never squandered money on opulent lifestyles, expensive cars, palaces, and so on.

Trivandrum, now Thiruanthapuram was considered one of the most forward cities in India during the British colonial era. Maharaja Chithira Thirunal was credited with the proclamation of removing age-old restrictions on the Dalit entry to Hindu temples. This stunned the nationalists and the rest of the country at the height of India’s freedom struggle.

Read more- The Tale of Travancore’s Last King and His Path-Breaking Temple Proclamation. See post Raja Ravi Varma’s Portrait Photo – Old Postcard 1904.

Did you know- the Maharaja was instrumental in setting up Trivandrum Airport, Kerala state transport service, a fertilizer factory (F.A.C.T), and so on.

From the collection- Drawing Hiding The Taj Mahal WW2., Breach Of The Madras Iron Pier – Old Print 1895., Calcutta Traffic Policeman – Old Photograph 1920., German Prince Wilhelm Special Train India Tour – Old Photo.