Aerial View of Flora Fountain Bombay – 2 Postcards 1950
Two postcards from 1950 show aerial views of the Flora Fountain in Bombay (Mumbai). These two 1950s postcards show the Flora Fountain junction facing north. Including the commanding view of the imposing Oriental Building in the foreground. But the main attraction is the Flora Fountain itself. Completed in 1864 and was called Frere Fountain. In honor of Sir Bartle Frere the governor of Bombay from 1862 to 1867.
Sir Bartle Frere single-handedly advanced the development of Bombay to a greater level than envisaged. One of them was the dismantling of the Bombay Fort to make way for more space. The Flora Fountain statue represents the Roman Goddess Flora. With the passing of years, the name Frere Fountain was replaced with Flora Fountain. Today it is officially called Hutatma Chowk, with its own memorial adjacent to the fountain. Click on the photo for better view.
See older post Flora Fountain Mumbai Bombay – Old Print 1891.
Did you know- the Hutatma Chowk agitation killed 106 people in a police firing in 1956. But the agitation was a major impetus in the creation of Maharashtra state in 1960.
From the collection- Drawing Hiding The Taj Mahal WW2., Horse-Drawn Tram Kolkata – Old Photo 1880., Making Of The Mullaperiyar Dam – Old Print 1895., Old Book – From Lisbon To Calicut 1956