A Glimpse of Life In British India Era, 1865 Photo

An 1865 photo that gives a glimpse of life during the British India era. A European is seen with his pet dog supervising the work done in his backyard by an Indian gardener. The vast compounded garden implied the European may have been a high-ranking official or businessman.

The gardener is seen dutifully mowing the lawn with a mechanical lawnmower of its time. He is seen wearing a dhoti which indicates the place is somewhere in the northern part of India. By the early 20th century India witnessed a great increase in domestic servants and help. There was an escalation in domestic servants from 1900 onwards.

Not that it was any lesser earlier but because of the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 more Britishers and Europeans sailed to India cheaply and in a shorter time. Because of the arrival of a greater number of Europeans, consequently, the need for domestic help also surged. The four principal cities of Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, and Delhi were the largest employers of domestic help. 

Read more The English garden symbolised conquest. See post Colonial Bungalow In British India – Old Photo 1865.

Did you know- the British Empire today is still in possession of 14 territories. But none of them have asked for independence. 

More from the collection- Rare Advertisement Taj Palace Hotel Bombay 1907., Tellicherry On The Malabar Coast – Old Print 1922., Cochin Port Trust Office Building – Old Postcard 1950., 1964 M. Suriyamoorthy Charcoal Art Abstract (#1)

Photo Details

Year -


Photograph Size -

8.25 x 6 inches

Photographer -

Unknown British Indian photographer